For enquiries & bookings, please following this link: Alaska - Utqiaġvik: Ross’s Gull Quest 2024

This tour is operated by High Lonesome BirdTours in partnership with BirdingDirect.
These are large group tours (up to 16 guests with multiple tour leaders), and will have guests from both Highlonesome as well as BirdingDirect.

We have a full day to explore the numerous birding opportunities in and around Anchorage. During October, we can search for a variety of resident boreal forest species and migrating waterfowl. Visiting valleys and boreal forests in the nearby Chugach Mountains, we will look for Spruce Grouse, Willow and Rock Ptarmigans (difficult), Northern Goshawk, American Three-toed and Black-backed Woodpeckers, Boreal Chickadee, and Canada Jay. Depending on the season and weather conditions, Bohemian Waxwings and White-winged Crossbills may also be present alongside Common Redpolls. Lakes and wetlands in the Anchorage area hold good numbers of waterfowl, including Common and Barrow’s Goldeneyes, Greater Scaup, various dabbling ducks, Trumpeter and occasionally Tundra Swans. A few sparrows like Fox and American Tree Sparrows also occasionally linger into October. The wilderness begins right on the edge of the city and we could see moose and may even glimpse a bear or lynx with exceptional luck.

During our time in Utqiaġvik, we will divide our days between extensive sea watching and exploration of the tundra surrounding this northernmost city. Utqiaġvik sits right on the edge of the Arctic Ocean with Point Barrow itself jutting out into the confluence of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. During October, great numbers of eider and smaller numbers of loons are migrating in addition to our main target here, the elegant Ross’s Gull. We will spend several hours each day scanning the open ocean from various productive points along the shoreline and can expect to see large numbers of Common and King Eiders with chances for the rare Spectacled and Steller’s Eiders. The open water can also hold Yellow-billed, Pacific, Common, and Red-throated Loons and a few lingering acids, like Thick-billed Murre and Black Guillemot. In addition to Ross’s Gulls, hundreds of Glaucous Gulls are present with smaller numbers of Herring and Iceland while even Ivory Gulls have passed by on rare occasions.

The flat tundra surrounding Utqiaġvik can be easily accessed by a good road system and here we can search for the beautiful Snowy Owls usually several birds hunt on the snow-covered expanses, offering great photo opportunities. Gyrfalcon is also a rare visitor here. In the town itself, we can check various feeders for Hoary Redpolls and Snow Buntings. In addition to these rare high arctic birds, we can expect a good variety of northern mammals like Arctic Fox, Bearded and Spotted Seals, and with great luck Polar Bear. There will be plenty of opportunities to become immersed in the unique Iñupiat culture.

Each day begins with a late breakfast between 8:00 and 9:00 am. We then head off to our preferred birding site for the remainder of the morning, taking a break for lunch and warming up indoors. For the remainder of the afternoon, we will return to do further seawatching and exploration interspersed with breaks to warm up in the vehicles or indoors. We will have an early dinner at a local restaurant nearby. Overall, we will spend the majority of daylight hours in the field.

This tour has only short drives on maintained roads and some time will be spent birding from vehicles.

Anchorage has several excellent cultural museums, fantastic seafood restaurants, and excursions.


Top Birds

Utqiaġvik: Spectacled, King & Common Eiders; Yellow-billed Loon; Snowy Owl; Ross's & Ivory (very rare) Gulls; Anchorage Area: White-winged Crossbills; Pine Grosbeak; Common Redpoll; Bohemian Waxwing; Black-backed & American Three-toed Woodpeckers; Spruce Grouse.

Top Mammals

Polar Bear (rare), Arctic Fox, Moose.

Habitats Covered

Utqiaġvik: arctic tundra, coast and wetlands; Anchorage: boreal forest and marshes

Expected Climate

cold to freezing temperatures (-10 to 5 degrees celsius), but little precipitation

Max Group Size

7 with 1 HL Tour Leader

Tour Pace & Walking

easy, late mornings (the sun doesn’t rise until 9:00 am) and early evenings, minimal walking with mainly seawatching from vehicles or standing outside, some longer periods of standing, the terrain around Anchorage is also very easy.


basic but comfortable with private baths

Ease of Birding


Number of Species Expected


Other Attractions

unique Iñupiaq culture of Utqiaġvik and wonderful arctic landscapes

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

Stephan Lorenz
JG, Alaska 2023

Our trip to Alaska was great. Our guide, Stephan Lorenz, was greatly appreciated for his knowledge of the birds, of the sites, and his leader qualities. Thanks to Stephans sharp eyes we observed Grey-crowned Rosy Finch, my objective, which was less than zero chance according to Stephan :-). It was a very exciting moment for us ! Apart from seeing all the covoted birds we saw a great deal of animals including 11 grizzli bears, several orcas and a few polar bears which was the cherry on the cake ! What a great thrill ! Having our list done on eBird was also greatly appreciated.

Stephan Lorenz
TC, Alaska 2022

Gambell was great, an adventure I’ll not soon forget.

Stephan Lorenz
CM & JM, Alaska 2018

The tour was very well organised and run. The guides, Stephan Lorenz and Dave Krueper, were excellent. They went out of their way to ensure that all the group members had a chance to see and identify the birds, especially concentrating on those they knew were life birds. Having two guides for 10 tour members was great and being in two vans for travel ensured that we all had sufficient space and window area to spread out and see everything. Even the weather was pretty good. Great tour!

Stephan Lorenz
EL, Alaska 2018

Stephan Lorenz is an exceptional guide, being both a wizard at finding and identifying birds and also dealing with people. He has a kind and funny manner that puts everyone at ease. I am glad that Rockjumper has hired him and look forward to being on some of his trips in the future.

Stephan Lorenz
RS, Alaska 2018

Stephan Lorenz was great. He knew every bird and plant and was helpful to me in getting the photos that I wanted.

Alaska - Utqiaġvik: Ross’s Gull Quest 2024

08 Oct 2024 - 13 Oct 2024 (6 days)

USD4,400 - Spaces Available

Book Now

Tour Leader: Stephan Lorenz

Tour price (Per person): USD4,400 * GBP3,419 * EUR4,047 * AUD6,721

Single Supplement: USD700 * GBP544 * EUR644 * AUD1,069

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Tour Route Map
