Countdown to Launch!

All of the following tours are just a few spaces away from being guaranteed departures.

Your booking could ensure a successful launch into a bird-filled adventure to one of our top destinations!

Africa boasts magnificent opportunities for both birding and wildlife viewing, some of the finest that the world has to offer! Our tours below all combine the very best of both worlds!

Asia too offers an excellent selection of destinations where both the birding and wildlife is out of this world! India in particular with Tiger, wildly colourful and fascinating bird species and an outrageous choice of mouthwatering cuisine.

Australia and New Zealand host some of the world’s highest rates of endemism, weird and wonderful unique families around every turn. Not just the birds but mammals, insects and trees too!

Birding with a side of tropical Caribbean beach backdrop! Throw in an excellent selection of endemic bird species and you have the recipe for a dream birding tour.

With Costa Rica’s superb infrastructure and focus on avitourism, birding here is an absolute pleasure. We look forward to showing you trogons, toucans, motmots and hummingbirds, among many other spectacular birds!

Take in a fantastic cultural journey, exploring the historical landmarks, incredible performances of classical and traditional gypsy music, wine tasting and more, all the while seeing some of Europe’s excellent avian attractions!

We’ve broken up South Americas mind boggling species lists into the top countries and hotspots within! Join us on any of the tours below for excellent endemics, fantastic mammals and a taste of the many, many birds to be found on this amazing continent.

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