Alexander Alvarado

Alexander Alvarado grew up western Honduras. He became interested in birds many years ago whilst working for a hotel located in this Mayan City, before taking a job at Macaw Mountain, a bird park and Nature Reserve located just outside of Copán. This in depth experience in treating birds opened window for his passion.

  • In 2006, Alex began investigating Honduran birds in different habitats, traveling across the country. Having considered the great diversity of species, he started his own business - initially offering birding tours to the Copan Ruinas Hacienda San Lucas areas. After attending multiple courses and increasing his experience across Honduras, Alex was elected the President of the Honduran Ornithological Association on 2013.

    Alex now leads tours across the length and breadth of Central America and the Caribbean, covering both scheduled and tailor-made tours for Rockjumper in Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

  • RG, Guatemala 2023

    The tour leader and local guides were friendly and patient. They worked hard to find the birds they thought we should see and made sure everyone got a look at each bird. I was especially impressed by their enthusiasm. They must have seen these birds numerous times before but acted as though it was the first time. Given the political issues we had to deal with, I dont think any other tour company could have managed the situation as well as Rockjumper. Finally, a special mention to our driver, Louis, he did a terrific job under difficult circumstances. A wonderful experience, much fun.

    MS, Honduras 2021

    This was a great tour, even better than the itinerary described, with a few surprise activities. I really enjoyed Alexander and felt I learned a lot about the birds and Honduras while with him.
