xAaron Steed

Aaron has been interested in birds and natural history his entire life. Aaron holds a B.S degree in General Biology from the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and has worked numerous ornithological field positions in North Carolina, Texas, Kansas, California and Arizona, focusing primarily on endangered or imperiled species (such as the Black-capped Vireo and Lesser Prairie Chicken).

  • Instead of going to grad school in 2013, Aaron decided to take the opportunity to become a professional bird guide and began working for Ventures Birding, leading local day trips in the Western NC region. In the years since, he has taken groups to Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Honduras, Belize, Peru, Cuba, and Spain as well as a multitude of destinations across the US. Aaron likes to have fun with his groups, bringing a low-key professionalism and relaxed atmosphere to his tours. When he’s not guiding, he lives with his wife and a menagerie of pets.
