Alvaro Jaramillo

Alvaro is an internationally known ornithologist and international tour leader. An expert on the birds of Chile, California and North America, he wrote the American Birding Association Field Guide to Birds of California and New World Blackbirds, and authored Birds of Chile (2003), collaborating on Chile’s Important Bird Areas program, and helping to identify a new bird species there, Oceanites pincoyae (Pincoya Storm Petrel). He is a regular contributor to Bird Watcher’s Digest and has published numerous paper and articles and a great variety of avian subjects, but what he enjoys most is time in the field with others that share his enthusiasm for birds and nature. Alvaro is a recipient of the Eisenmann Medal of the Linnean Society of New York, which honors people who excel in ornithology and encourage the amateur. Rockjumper is proud to partner with Alvaro’s Adventures for Antarctica 2020, and guests will have the opportunity to bird with Alvaro on deck as we search for his favorite seabirds, and also to hear him speak as a lecturer.
