Mongolia - Birding the Gobi & Beyond 2025

26 May 2025 - 09 Jun 2025 (15 days)

USD6,395 - No Spaces Available

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Tour Leader: Dušan Brinkhuizen

Tour price (Per person): USD6,395 * GBP4,929 * EUR5,916 * AUD9,570

Single Supplement: USD720 * GBP555 * EUR666 * AUD1,077

Flight costs: USD390 * GBP301 * EUR361 * AUD584

In the heart of remote Central Asia lies a country that conjures up images of nomadic horsemen striding across barren, wind-swept plains, with the grand Gobi-Altai Mountains rising up above the endless expanse of the Gobi Desert. This land is Mongolia, a country of fascinating legend and history; a picturesque and awe-inspiring part of the world largely unchanged over the years, the heart of the once expansive Mongol Empire and what can rightfully be proclaimed a true wilderness!

Our Mongolia birding adventure offers the very special opportunity of venturing across the vast lake-covered steppes and through the verdant Taiga forest, with the ever-present backdrop of the lofty Gobi-Altai Mountains. We can look forward to superb birding in this gloriously scenic landscape with mouth-watering specialties including Altai Snowcock, Black-billed Capercaillie, Relict Gull, Pallas’s Sandgrouse, Black Woodpecker, Amur and Saker Falcons, spectacular Wallcreeper, White-naped and Demoiselle Cranes, Kozlov’s Accentor, displaying Oriental Plover, Mongolian Lark, Siberian Rubythroat, Guldenstadt’s & Eversmann’s Redstarts, Saxual Sparrow, Henderson’s Ground Jay and many, many more! This really is a birding tour like few others and promises to be a most memorable adventure!

Top Birds

Altai Snowcock; Black-billed Capercaillie; Daurian & Chukar Partridges; Swan & Bar-headed Goose; White-naped & Demoiselle Cranes; Bearded, Himalayan & Cinereous Vultures; Golden Eagle; Pallas’s Fish Eagle; Saker & Amur Falcons; Stejneger's Scoter; Horned (Slavonian) Grebe; Oriental Plover; Asian Dowitcher; Swinhoe’s Snipe; Pallas’s Sandgrouse; Ural Owl; Henderson’s Ground Jay; Wallcreeper; Mongolian Lark; Siberian Rubythroat; Brown & Kozlov’s Accentors; Azure Tit; Long-tailed & Chinese Beautiful Rosefinches; Guldenstadt’s & Eversmann’s Redstarts; Saxaul Sparrow.

Top Mammals

Siberian Ibex; Mongolian & Goitred Gazelles; Long-tailed Ground Squirrel; Corsac & Red Foxes; Tarbagan Marmot; Argali; Pallas’s & Alpine Pikas; Great Gerbil; Andrews Three-toed Jerboa; Brandt’s Vole.

Habitats Covered

steppe, desert, mountains, valleys, ridges, wetlands, pine & birch forest, grasslands, meadows, rivers.

Expected Climate

moderate to hot with colder nights, especially in the higher lying areas

Max Group Size

12 with 1 Rockjumper leader and local birding leader

Tour Pace & Walking

moderate to relaxed in general with a few strenuous hikes for some of the difficult specials


comfortable lodges and Ger camps

Ease of Birding

generally undemanding with some trickier species

Other Attractions

spectacular scenery, ancient deserts, pristine wildernesses, incredible history and culture

Photographic Opportunities


What our clients say about us

Nigel Redman
EL, Mongolia 2023

This was a wonderful tour--beautiful scenery, great birds (many rare), mammals (many rare) including snow leopards. Throw in the adventure of driving through the Altai Mountains and the quest for snow leopards, it really was everything you would want in a tour. Nigel Redmond and Atilla Steiner were excellent at finding and identifying the birds and mammals. I had been to Mongolia before on a non-birding trip and very much enjoyed this beautiful and fascinating country, but most of my bird and mammal sightings went unidentified. The gers were comfortable and even the moonlight walks to the outdoor toilets were enjoyable. And I have to put in a plug for our ground agents who shepherded us around Ulaanbaatar on a quest for trinkets, souvenirs and sights.

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